
Booking Direct With US

Welcome to the Villa Orca Samui reservation  page! Thank you for choosing us!

Please use the contact form below to make a reservation or contact us via Whatsapp on +66 97-095-5563

Before the reservation, please read the Booking conditions Pricing and Terms.

Our rates always include:

• Service of the team: Villa Manager, Maid, & Gardener, Thai Chef

• Airport pickup (arrival & departure)

• Breakfast (Continental or Thai)

• Tropical fruits welcome basket

• Additional services and facilities can be made available by request; please inform us in advance.

Our rates exclude:

• All food except continental or Asian breakfast

• Food provisioning fee is food cost + 20%

• All Concierge Services and tours reservation

• Car rental. Advance booking with our Concierge Team is recommended.

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